M&R Gauntlet Series III 12 Color, All Electric, 2 Available


2 ) Available: M&R Gauntlet Series III 12 Color, All Electric- 1) 2018, 1) 2019, Servo Driven and a/c printheads comes with full set of adult pallets, squeegees & flood bars, with 2) Red Chili D Quartz Flashes

Each have just over 2M impressions.  Located in the South…..  $75,000.00 each


2 ) Available: M&R Gauntlet Series III 12 Color, All Electric- 1) 2018, 1) 2019, Servo Driven and a/c printheads comes with full set of adult pallets, squeegees & flood bars, with 2) Red Chili D Quartz Flashes

Each have just over 2M impressions.  Located in the South…..  $75,000.00 each